About Me

You wanna know about me? I'm still learning about myself!

I was born in Toronto in 1993 (you do the math).

Right now I'm laying on the couch trying to think of what I actually like lol. I like music of all genres, it really depends on how I'm feeling.

I'm really just coming up with ideas for this website. I want it to be like my journal or a digital version of my mind. If you knew me you could come here and see what's going on under the hood. Not many people know me though. Maybe I want to get to know more people.

I've struggled with social anxiety and isolation for a very long time. I learned that exposure is necessary to deal with my anxiety. Maybe this website is a way for me to expose myself (:/) to the world. I avoided social media for the longest time. I probably made my Facebook account the year before the pandemic started. I guess it was drilled into my brain as a kid not to share personal information on the internet.

What is JP's Garage?

JP's Garage is JP's garage. I'm JP. My garage was like a cave filled with junk. We didn't keep a vehicle in there. We had crates of old junk that we never used and for some reason never got rid of. It wasn't as bad as some of those hoarder shows on TV, but it wasn't a pleasant sight either. During the pandemic I thought it'd be a cool place to put a bar. Somewhere to hangout. Over the course of a year we fixed it up and made it a nice little place to have a drink and listen to music. I thought I was a genius for coming up with such a cool original idea. Turns out it wasn't an original idea. Others have done it before me, and have done it much better. But great minds, right.

So what does that have to do with this website? I guess this website is the digital portion of my garage. A place where I can freely express myself and invite others to do the same, except on a global scale. I really miss the days when just anyone had their own websites dedicated to their interests and the things that make them unique. I loved surfing the web and reading about what other people had to say. I want that back in my life, and I want to participate this time.